Francisco last spring at the Psychiatric Convention. But its here, its now, and its real, just as real as the drug scene, the atomic threat, pol- lution, the racial crisis, the anti-war, anti-draft movement, sexual free- dom, the awakening and arising of women, etc. Society is going to have to learn to live with and deal with it. As long as you can keep a group pushed down and out of sight and intimidate them with morals, religion and law they don't pose too much of a "problem" for "straight" that is conforming heterosexual society. But once some brave ones come for- ward and state their case publicly others take heart and join them and the resulting flood of repressed resentment and rage rapidly gets more than the society can control and a new configuration of some sort of accommodation between the ins and the outs, the haves and have-nots, the establishment and the rebels, and in this case the straights and the gays has to result. Hegel's dialectics put it succinctly everything developes by a process of thesis (position), anti-thesis (opposition) leading to synthesis (composition). The only variables in this aspect of social development are time and intensity i.e., when and how fast will the synthesis be achieved.

I can't answer the last two any closer than to say that we are in the opening year or two of the public antithesis phase and I would say that it will be concluded within the next 3 to 5 years. By "concluded" I mean that homosexuality will be openly accepted, and acknowledged; that prosecution and restrictions legal and moral will have receeded to a low point; that the number of people, both male and female, who will be freed from the social taboo and who will accept and experiment in greater or lesser degree with the homosexual experience will greatly increase; and in fact that it will cease to be an area of social confronta- tion.

This may all be very well you say, we can't do anything about it but of what significance is this for us FPs and why does Virginia go on about it? Simply to point out that the one thing that has made your femmiphilia a problem (albeit a pleasant one) to you in your previous life is being eradicated from several sides. Consider: 1) You were always aware of the social condemnation of homosexuality and you were guilty because you felt that if others knew, you would be condemned as being one of them. Where will that fear and guilt go when society no longer condemns and persecutes the homosexual. Will they then care about little old FPs in their dresses? 2) Women are arising, rebelling against the subjugation men have imposed on them for centuries; demanding equal treatment and the right to be a person; resenting and reacting to the concept so many men and the male dominated culture have of wo-